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电话: 0755-6118 2333
姓名: Sherry
Shenzhen G-weld Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd

  Gweld are the manunfacturer in shenzhen, manufacturing all kinds of inverter welding machines like ARC series,TIG series, MIG series and CUT series etc. for more information, please refer to the website, http:// *域名隐藏* ...

主要产品/业务: We are the manunfacturer, manufacturing all kinds of inverter welding machines like ARC series,TIG series, MIG series and CUT series etc. for more information, please refer to the website, http:// *域名隐藏*

Shenzhen G-weld Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd / 广东 / 广东省深圳市保安区福永第一工业区25栋三楼 (518105 ) / 电话:0755-6118 2333

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